How does ActiveRecord know the primary_key?
February 13, 2021
While trying to help someone debug an ActiveRecord::UnknownPrimaryKey
error, I went down a rabbit-hole trying to figure out how Rails determines the primary key. Hopefully this provides a tiny bit more insight on how Rails works!
If you’re using Postgres, ActiveRecord searches for a primary key index on the table. If you’re using a different database, the answer probably lies in the respective SchemaStatements
of the adapter, e.g. ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MySQL::SchemaStatements
Finding the Primary Key
includes the AttributeMethods
module, which in turn includes PrimaryKey
. The module has a #primary_key
def primary_key
@primary_key = reset_primary_key unless defined? @primary_key
If we follow the #reset_primary_key
method, we’ll eventually reach #get_primary_key
, which tries to get the key from the SchemaCache
def get_primary_key(base_name)
if # ...
if ActiveRecord::Base != self && table_exists?
pk = connection.schema_cache.primary_keys(table_name)
# ...
# ...
In the SchemaCache, we see that if the primary_keys
cache does not already have the key, it will attempt to call connection.primary_key(table_name)
def primary_keys(table_name)
@primary_keys.fetch(table_name) do # if the table_name key isn't in the Hash, execute this block
# ...
@primary_keys[deep_deduplicate(table_name)] = deep_deduplicate(connection.primary_key(table_name))
# ...
This method is found in SchemaStatements, and it in turn attempts to call #primary_keys
. This call goes to the database adapter, in my case PostgreSQL::SchemaStatements:
def primary_keys(table_name) # :nodoc:
query_values(<<~SQL, "SCHEMA")
SELECT a.attname
FROM pg_index
WHERE indrelid = #{quote(quote_table_name(table_name))}::regclass
AND indisprimary
) i
JOIN pg_attribute a
ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid
AND a.attnum = i.indkey[i.idx]
ORDER BY i.idx
The subquery in particular is crucial - basically, Rails looks for a primary key index belonging to the table. Let’s focus on the important bits:
/* from all the indexes */
FROM pg_index
/* find those for table_name */
/* you can google for regclass, it's another Postgres rabbit-hole */
WHERE indrelid = table_name::regclass
/* that are primary keys */
AND indisprimary
This is usually automatically created during a migration - Rails will add an id
column and make it a primary key. If you have a structure.sql
file, you’d find statements like ADD CONSTRAINT table_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
which do exactly that.
Bonus: How did I find it?
It took me quite a while to figure this out, I’m sharing my abridged (because I was flailing around a lot) methodology in hopes that it might be helpful to you when debugging - if you know a better way, do share!
Did a GitHub search in the Rails repo for the UnknownPrimaryKey error. There were a few results that were in the form
, so I assumed it was a method on the model (and confirmed that by playing around in the rails console). -
Did another search for
"def primary_key"
(“primary_key” alone gave too many results), this led toActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::PrimaryKey
. -
Wasn’t sure that this was the correct method but I attempted to follow the code through (GitHub’s jump to definition was a godsend) and got a little stuck/distracted by trying to figure out what class
referred to. -
After a bit of poking around in the console, I recalled seeing this class called TracePoint, and decided to give it a try:
trace = do |tp| p [tp.lineno, tp.event, tp.raised_exception] end trace.enable { ExampleModel.first }
This gave an extremely long trace 🤯 good thing I could search in my terminal, after grepping for
I came across this set of calls, which confirmed that the method was inPostgreSQL::SchemaStatements
[48, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaCache, :primary_keys, :call]
[53, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaCache, :data_source_exists?, :call]
[146, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements, :primary_key, :call]
[355, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::SchemaStatements, :primary_keys, :call]
Psst - if this was useful, consider sponsoring a coffee (or sushi) for me 🙇♂️: